In Guatemala, the school year runs from mid-January through October, so it's back to school time! One of the things that The Servant's Heart ministry provides for our children is a backpack, school supplies, a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of leather shoes (which must be worn to school). Our 5 teachers who will be operating our after school reinforcement program, along with Gerber (pronounced "hairbear") spent a day on the roof of the Missionary House counting out pencils, pens, glue, notebooks, and all the other great stuff that kids need for their first day of school. Each grade from Kinder through high school needed something different, so it was quite a production to put together 150 backpacks.
So Saturday was the big day...the kids started streaming in to our new building to get their backpack, then went into another room to receive their shoes. It was pretty crazy with dozens of kids with their moms trying to find a pair that would fit.
We had boxes and bins full of shoes to choose from. While it's not the norm, there were a few of our high school guys who needed zapatos grandes (big shoes!), which are the sizes we always seem to be short of. But what kid doesn't love to get a new pair of shoes!
It was great to see all the smiles as they proudly carried their new things on their backs.
Next stop was our sewing department where Raymundo, Rosa and Jose measured each child for their pants or skirts that would be needed for their school uniform. Those sewing machines will really be buzzing for the next few weeks as they make 150 pairs of pants or skirts!!
So, off to school they went...an amazing thing for these kids!! As we walked through a store the other day I was pricing some of the items that we had given the kids the week before. A spiral notebook for $1.00, a plain backpack for over $30. Those two items alone would prohibit a child from being able to attend even the "free" public school. But the kids at the ministry are able to attend safer, better private schools, which is opening doors to them that would never otherwise be possible.
So, if you're at a church or on a team that has collected or brought down donations of school supplies or shoes...THANK YOU!!!! The children and families here are overwhelmed with the generosity and love that you have shown to them through your gifts. If you are sponsoring a child or teen...MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!! You're making it possible for these kids to find God's purpose for their lives through education and a feeling of confidence that has been denied them for far too long. You are God's hands and feet and heart as you have given these gifts of love! Our ministry and the people in the shanties send their warmest appreciation.