God has a purpose. (literally, intention)
Today we went to visit the families of the three boys who were shot and killed last Sunday. We came to find out that we had connections to the other two boys, not just Luis. Gilmar, the 22 year old, was the cousin of Manuel, another high school student that worked with us at the ministry for the past two years. Daniel, the 13 year old, was Manuel's brother.
The first family we visited with was that of Daniel. There are just so few words to say to a mother and father who have just lost their thirteen year old son to such a tragic death. What we did share was God's Word with them and we prayed that those words would bring comfort and healing to their broken hearts. I told Daniel's mother that I was a mom, too, and couldn't imagine her pain, as we wept in each others arms. As his father wept such tears of sorrow, all we could do was hold him and try to share his burden of grief.
Just steps away, was the house of Luis' family. According to his mom, Luis and Manuel were always together. Ruth said that they'd grown up together and were best of friends. So Manuel has not only lost his younger brother and his cousin, but his best friend, as well. As we visited with Luis' mom, Manuel (from our ministry team) said that he didn't know if he was correct or not, but felt that there was something very different about these two homes, about how they were dealing with their losses. The things that Luis' mother was saying about everything that had happened were filled with such hope. She said that, of course, she is devistated and asks God "Why my son?" But she has such a trust in God's love and wisdom and she knows God has a purpose for allowing Luis to die. Luis knew his Savior and his mom knows for certain that he is enjoying heavenly perfection, free from pain and sadness and is forever with his heavenly Father. Several times she said she trusted in God's mercy and knows He has a purpose for this. Perhaps, she said, Luis' death was a sacrifice to bring others to Christ. What a living testament to God's neverending love and His desire that ALL would know Him as Lord and Savior! We prayed that Cristina would continue to be a witness to her daughter and to the family who lived so close to her, bringing the Light to their darkness.
Thank you for your prayers for these two families and for the many friends, many of them young adults, who knew and loved these boys. We pray that hearts will be softened and all will draw closer to their Savior through these deaths as there is only one hope for eternal life, Jesus Christ. It is with a renewed urgency that we tell everyone what He has done.
"I command you - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 Luis' favorite verse.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Luis was an exceptionally tall teenager by Guatemalan standards, and as Rachel said yesterday, he always smiled like the picture you see. He came to the ministry each day after school to help in the kitchen carrying bucketloads of dishes for the cooks, cleaning and working in the carpentry shop. Graduation from high school was in sight, leading Luis to possible employment as a mechanic. The word 'gentle' comes to mind when I think of this tall, but quiet young man.
The people of Guatemala are shaking their fists at the government and police for the escalating violence in this country. Drug trafficking, extortion, poverty, gangs...all lead to violent crimes, which all too often are against innocent victims who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The government says it is working on changing this situation, but it's pretty hard to do when the police and lawmakers are corrupt and less than 3% of the over 6000 homicides per year are ever brought to justice. Villages throughout Guatemala are beginning to take the law into their own hands with vigilante groups seizing suspected wrong-doers and killing them on the spot. Unfortunately, with the level of corruption in the government and law enforcement, there is little chance of the situation improving any time soon.
Sounds pretty hopeless, doesn't it? But no matter where you live, your hope can't be placed in the government, in law enforcement, or in any human, for that matter. Reading the newspaper or hearing from someone we know that yet another relative or friend was murdered could make us never want to get out of bed in the morning. But we can't live in fear that so
mething might happen to us sometime. I mean, is God in control of every single thing that happens in this universe or not?? If we really believe that, then we need to trust His eternal love and sovereign will. What happened to Luis and his two friends is tragic and seems to be senseless. Why so young? Why such a nice kid? But nothing is out of God's sight. He knew this was going to happen and He is even now surrounding Luis' family and friends with His loving arms of comfort and strength. We pray that everyone who was touched by this horrible event will draw closer to the only true hope which is found in the Lord who never changes, always loves, and has given us the absolute assurance of eternal life with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.
And Luis? Why he is forever in the arms of his God and Savior! Can't get any better than that!!
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