Your donation can be made monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or yearly by check, PayPal or arranging an auto-pay with your bank. If you feel called to sponsor one of our children or missionaries, please contact Rachel Stauner at and she will help you get started!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sponsorship opportunities!
Your donation can be made monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or yearly by check, PayPal or arranging an auto-pay with your bank. If you feel called to sponsor one of our children or missionaries, please contact Rachel Stauner at and she will help you get started!
Water of Life!
If someone offered you a cup of water in Buena Vista, in many cases you might think you'd been handed a cup of tea. The water that the people in this little remote village have been drinking comes from either a well or the river, which is also the place where they wash their clothes and themselves. So from milky white to muddy brown, the water that is ingested by babies, children and adults is far from pure. By the grace of God and a wonderful grant from the Oklahoma LWML, in addition to a generous personal donation, Groundwork Guatemala was able to purchase 120 water purification systems.
When we think about how many times we had told people to "drink more water" in the past, we realize that, while they may have been more hydrated, they were probably ingesting who knows what into their systems. How thankful we are that 120 families with all those little kidlets will now be drinking safe, pure and life-giving water!!
So, through these filters our friends in Buena Vista are receiving life-giving water for their bodies and Living Water through Jesus for their souls!!
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