A couple weeks ago, as is our usual Monday routine, we went to see our friend Maria in Amatitlán. If you've read our blog, perhaps you remember Maria's story that I wrote about some time ago.
She continues to struggle with the thirty year old wound on her leg, which, frankly, about makes a person pass out to look at. Two of Maria's granddaughters live with her now and as the nurse was tending to Maria's leg, Manuel was giving me the "ch...ch" (the Spanish version of "psst!!"). He said "las faldas!" (the skirts!) We had been carrying a box of skirts around in the van to be ready for just the right girls who needed them...and we had found just the right little girls that morning! During Compassion Weekend 2008, a church in South Florida, LMIC (Lutheran Ministry in Christ) sewed lightweight skirts as part of the Sewing Across Borders national campaign, and with love, sent them to Guatemala.
After asking what their favorite colors were, Manuel and I went out to find the right sizes for these two cuties. Just to be sure, I had the girls try the skirts on. Dulce (means "sweet") had been wearing a thin cotton dress, so when she tried on the skirt, she couldn't find anything to wear on top, so I went into the "bedroom" to help with the search. There w
as a boy, Maria's grandson, laying on the dirt floor sleeping. The dark room had two small beds that were piled with all sorts of junk. Her sister was helping her dig through a big box that had clothes in it, but nothing was remotely close to a little girl's shirt. They looked on the bed, on the floor, and finally, we found a little white button down cotton shirt that was draped over a nylon rope that was hanging across the room, along with a bunch of other clothes. Isn't that crazy? We're so blessed to have a "shirt drawer" or blouses hanging neatly in our bedroom closet. Here are these two girls looking all over the place to find just one little blouse. Well, the skirts fit both of the girls and they were very excited to show their grandmother! Just too cute!
A couple of weeks ago, we had all of the little girls stay after our children's activity in Amatitlan and shared your remaining gifts of love with each girl that was there. It was so wonderful to see those little skirts in the arms of the sweet girls as they returned home, knowing that loving hands had made them in a place so far away. Thank you, LMIC, for sharing your talents, your treasures and your love with the girls of Guatemala!! God is so good!
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