Such an unbelievable view each morning...We are surrounded by volcanoes and mountains and there are beautiful flowers lining porches and rooflines. This is Antigua and I feel like we're in a National Geographis photo shoot. There are ruins in every direction revealing the over 500 year history of this city that used to be the capital of Guatemala. You do have to wonder why this city exists after the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have claimed so many of the historical buildings. But life continues in this valley between the mountains with the sounds of cars, motorbikes and trucks on the cobblestone streets, and the sights of people walking along the very narrow sidewalks.
We are in our third day of Spanish classes. Yesterday we had seven hours of class, with six today and the rest of the week. I guess as adults we often wonder if we'd be able to learn anything new or be able to study again after so many years away from school. But the teachers at this school are excellent and fine tune your hours with them so that you learn quickly and with lots of laughs. Can't beat one on one, either! I can't say that learning Spanish will be effortless, that's for sure! Memorizing dozens of words each night after studying all day will be challenging to say the least! We'll try not to stress out over it, tho, and learn as much as we can in our time here. I don't think I've made any really gross errors in things I've said so far!...except when I said that my computadora was pescado...my computer is a fish! Thought I was saying it was heavy!! The house where we are staying is nice and about a six block walk from our school. We are on the third floor of one of the tallest buildings in the area. Our little 10 x 10 room is free standing and there are two other bedrooms up on this floor as well, where two other students are staying. We all eat breakfast together at 7 AM and head for school. Then we return for lunch, which is at 1 PM and go back to school from 2-4. We'll have dinner together at 7 PM and head to our rooms to study for the rest of the evening.
We'll try to squeeze some internet time at school into the day so we can catch up with all of you. I'll write more about what our meals are like some other day after we've eaten more of Elizabeth's tasty meals.
Until next time...God bless!
K & G
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