In so many ways it feels like we've been in Guatemala for a year, and then I look at the last time I had a chance to update our blog and realize that the summer has flown by. Since the last update in June, we have had so many mission teams serve down here, have made so many house visits and have seen God at work in so many ways. Our last team of the summer will arrive here next Saturday, wrapping up a busy summer at the ministry. I don't even know where to begin to get you caught up on all that has happened, but will try to share some of God's activities here since June.
As I'm writing this, Kevin is climbing a volcano! He's been wanting to do this since Rachel climbed it last October. He, Andy and Chris (a God-sent servant from Hales Corners who has done miracles with our storage rooms and too many to name repair needs) left early dark thirty this morning for the 4+ hour climb. Can't wait to hear about the adventure!! Volcan Pacaya is an active volcano, the heat capable of melting your shoes, according to Rach. I'm sure they'll have lots to tell!
So now to some updated info:

We are also grateful that the report from Adrian's doctor regarding his chronic kidney pain was fairly good. Drinking multiple Pepsi's every day is out! Agua is in (which gets a pretty sour look from Adrian). Combined with medication, hopefully he will be out of pain soon.
Then our sweet Ruth, had two fainting spells Friday and Saturday... Bad enough to faint, but she's not coming to for 20 or more minutes... They loaded her up into Rodrigo (of all things) and took her to the hospital yesterday where she finally came to, and after seeing the doctor was released. Ruth's finishing her last year of school before graduating as a teacher, so it's been pretty stressful, particularly as she approaches the end of the school year. We pray that there is nothing more serious causing these spells. Thanks for your continued prayers!!!
To say that this has been a frustrating few weeks, is putting it mildly!! It's a pretty helpless feeling when you can't "fix" something. The medical system down here is certainly unlike ours in the States. (A few weeks ago the surgery of someone we heard about was cancelled because the hospital had no water that day!) And of course, we would love to just write the check for the care of anyone and everyone, which can cause all sorts of jealousy if we help someone and not another. It's been a true test of simply having to lay our friends in God's hands, praying for His perfect will, remembering that He is hurting and suffering along with His precious children. We pray every day that He will soon send a nurse or doctor to our ministry as not a day goes by without a need for one.
I told Coca a couple of weeks ago that it sure would be great if we could have just one week here without someone's friend or family member getting killed (that was three weeks in a row) or someone being so seriously sick (another three weeks in a row). Death and sickness are such a part of life here...always on the brink. I don't know how people get out of bed in the morning after experiencing the things they do. But it is truly God who gives them the hope and strength they need to put one foot in front of the other.
We are looking forward to the arrival tonight of Rachel and our pastor from Mesa. They'll be here for a quick four days as Bob experiences in part what we've been sharing with him about what God has been doing in Guatemala the past two years since we began coming down here. Always a huge gift for us to be able to spend a little time with Rach!! Boy, are we grateful for the phone cards that keep us connected between visits!! We're a bit giddy when it's triple minute day!! ...ah, simple pleasures!!
This is a short update, but I'm finding myself fading with the cold medicina I took. The pollution seems to be bringing sore throats and colds pretty frequently, so I'm grateful for a quiet Sunday to do a little laundry and lay low. Guess it must be nap time!
Sure hope I have the chance to get back to the internet soon. Seems it rarely works when I can get on. We may have a new place to stay when we get back to Antigua in two weeks that has internet access, so that would open up a whole new world! Yay! Perhaps I can update this more than once every two months!!
God's richest blessings as we serve together!
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