Gotta love that face!! Yes, Mom, that's Lillian...the little sweetie you're sponsoring! We collected a hug from her last weekend when we were in the Capital city. She had a real twinkle in her eyes when we said "adios" and she said "Bye bye!" in English! Hers was one of many hugs we collected as we reconnected with our ministry friends. It was such a blessing to be able to talk with everyone again. That's what it's all about and we're thankful that we had the opportunity to be with everyone with whom we'll be working. God knew what we needed!
Last Friday we joined the ministry staff as we walked from building to building praying for all who work there, for the children and teachers in the school, their families, and their neighborhood. We are amazed at the faith of the people we'll be working with as they thank God for their many blessings.
One thing we did find out is that, when someone is speaking in their native language, it sounds REALLY fast!!! Our three weeks of Spanish school was only a drop in the bucket of what we'll need to be fluent enough to understand and communicate. Gonna be a long process!! Kevin's looking forward to (well, maybe not looking forward)... perhaps preparing for is better, his first exam early next week. His teacher is picturing chickens doing the hula when he mentions "Pollo Tropical" of Florida fame! I have a new teacher this week (no I didn't wear the previous one out!!) and she's really forcing me to carry on conversations and ask questions...all in espanol. It's the best way to learn and I needed to get over being too embarrassed over making mistakes. I'm a little surprised myself how much I understand and can answer in complete sentences. No major mistakes this week, other than talking about cooking perro instead of pollo! (dog instead of chicken!) Think before you speak!! Yikes! We have one more full week here before we go back and forth between here and the city every other week. Hopefully, we'll be able to use what we know and continue to strengthen our conversational abilities. I'm beginning to forget how to spell in English now!
Back to our story... After our prayer walk last Friday, we split into three or four groups and did a couple hours of house visits. All of the discomforts that I've been experiencing in the last month here become pretty petty and foolish when I am standing in a shanty that is extremely small and hotter than blazes as the sun beats down on the metal. As the chickies run around the one room the entire family calls home, and you see the flies sitting on the tortillas laying on the dirty table... and the smoke rising inside the house from the fire they use to cook on... I'm reminded that our most uncomfortable situation would be like heaven to them. Always very humbling when we pray together and I can hear their prayers of thanks to God for the blessings He's given them! It is a privilege to visit with them.
We had fun having English/Spanish lessons with some of the teenagers at the ministry who are going to be working with our mission teams as translators. We'd ask questions in espanol and they'd have to answer in English. Sometimes it took awhile to figure out what we were saying to each other, but it helped break the ice on both sides! "I'll be brave and say the wrong thing if you'll be brave and say the wrong thing!" Gotta love those boys...
God continues to work in my heart as I come to accept our new lifestyle. He is sufficient...He is all I need. I know He is the source of all comfort and peace...I just need to let Him do the work! Your prayers and comments and emails are such blessings to us and we look forward to opening them like gifts when we are able to get on the internet! The last week it's been off more than on, but we're blessed to have this way to communicate with you when it works!
God be with you all, dear friends!
Love, G & K
Last Friday we joined the ministry staff as we walked from building to building praying for all who work there, for the children and teachers in the school, their families, and their neighborhood. We are amazed at the faith of the people we'll be working with as they thank God for their many blessings.
One thing we did find out is that, when someone is speaking in their native language, it sounds REALLY fast!!! Our three weeks of Spanish school was only a drop in the bucket of what we'll need to be fluent enough to understand and communicate. Gonna be a long process!! Kevin's looking forward to (well, maybe not looking forward)... perhaps preparing for is better, his first exam early next week. His teacher is picturing chickens doing the hula when he mentions "Pollo Tropical" of Florida fame! I have a new teacher this week (no I didn't wear the previous one out!!) and she's really forcing me to carry on conversations and ask questions...all in espanol. It's the best way to learn and I needed to get over being too embarrassed over making mistakes. I'm a little surprised myself how much I understand and can answer in complete sentences. No major mistakes this week, other than talking about cooking perro instead of pollo! (dog instead of chicken!) Think before you speak!! Yikes! We have one more full week here before we go back and forth between here and the city every other week. Hopefully, we'll be able to use what we know and continue to strengthen our conversational abilities. I'm beginning to forget how to spell in English now!
Back to our story... After our prayer walk last Friday, we split into three or four groups and did a couple hours of house visits. All of the discomforts that I've been experiencing in the last month here become pretty petty and foolish when I am standing in a shanty that is extremely small and hotter than blazes as the sun beats down on the metal. As the chickies run around the one room the entire family calls home, and you see the flies sitting on the tortillas laying on the dirty table... and the smoke rising inside the house from the fire they use to cook on... I'm reminded that our most uncomfortable situation would be like heaven to them. Always very humbling when we pray together and I can hear their prayers of thanks to God for the blessings He's given them! It is a privilege to visit with them.
We had fun having English/Spanish lessons with some of the teenagers at the ministry who are going to be working with our mission teams as translators. We'd ask questions in espanol and they'd have to answer in English. Sometimes it took awhile to figure out what we were saying to each other, but it helped break the ice on both sides! "I'll be brave and say the wrong thing if you'll be brave and say the wrong thing!" Gotta love those boys...
God continues to work in my heart as I come to accept our new lifestyle. He is sufficient...He is all I need. I know He is the source of all comfort and peace...I just need to let Him do the work! Your prayers and comments and emails are such blessings to us and we look forward to opening them like gifts when we are able to get on the internet! The last week it's been off more than on, but we're blessed to have this way to communicate with you when it works!
God be with you all, dear friends!
Love, G & K
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